Dog Training
Perth, WA
Co-Operative Care

Considerate Care
Co-operative care is about empowering our dogs to be active in their care. It's giving your dog a choice where possible to do so.
Here at Paws-Ability we love everything that lowers our dogs stress, fear and anxiety levels and encourage you to consider partnering iwth us to teach your dog some co-operative care skills.
As human's we like to know what's going on and be involved in our care, dogs are no different.
When learning and using co-operative care skills you're not only training your dog to listen to you, you're training yourself to listen and read your dogs body language.
Co-operative care training can help your dog be comfortable with grooming, nail trims, needles, putting on harnesses, muzzles and more!
Would you like your dog to be happy to wear a muzzle, to not pull away from you when you bring the harness or nail clippers out of the cupboard? All this and so much more is possible with co-operative care training, and it's fun!
Co-operative care includes
Introducing new equipment (muzzles, clippers etc), slowly over several sessions, and ensuring your dog is comfortable and relaxed before you go to the next step of training.
Going at your dogs pace
Your dog will remains still / co-operate because he/she is okay with the handling, not because of force / fear
If the dog is stressed, things are moving too fast